Friday, March 18, 2011

Love Can Be Found.

Love Isn't Specifically What You May Think It Is, or For That Matter What I Think It Is. Love Can Be Many Things Right? Have Many Meanings or It Can Even Be A SOMETHING Like the Sun Rising In The Morning Or The First Fall Of A Leave In Fall. So Many Things.Love Can Also Remind You Of Especial People. Your Son, Daughter, Husband,Crush, Your Best Friends... In My Occasion. I Love Them To Death. Litterly To Death haha :)

Because Your Cancer Will Never Stop Us From Being What We Are, And Because You're The Bravest Person I've Ever Know. I Love You Jade.

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My Names Esmeralda, Mery For Short Basically I Love The Out Doors I Have Four Best Friends,i Love Them To Death. I'm a Confident Person I Like Talking And Being Creative and Colorful. Quotes Are Like My Life Guides So I Have Many Of Them, and Lastly I Love The Meanings Of ~Love~. -Angel Eyes Princess